The Specialists of BC (SBC) was created thirty years ago to be a forum for all Specialists to meet and share
ideas, successes and problems. The SBC continues to this day serving that function and advocating for
Specialists and their patients.
Although there are many flavours and varieties of specialist physicians and surgeons, we all focus on an
area of excellence, and we see patients on referral from another doctor.
This year the COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered society and our practices. Funding for the
explosion of virtual patient care was an early success promoted by the SBC.
The supply and provision of personal protective equipment was an early problem that we pushed hard to
find a solution for. We were involved in obtaining $1,000 per Specialist to help with reconfiguring offices
and dealing with COVID-19. We continue to advise and follow closely virtual medicine initiatives on our
collective behalf. Even after the pandemic, the provision of virtual care is likely here to stay and, going
forward, funding needs to be present as well.
A new Physician Master Agreement negotiation has started, and we are working hard on behalf of BC
We have been meeting with our family practice colleagues on a number of issues. The mechanism and
frequency of referrals are currently being debated. The BC Family Doctors are hoping to label themselves
as Specialists in Family Care. We believe that family medicine is a cornerstone of medicine. We stand with
them as they seek the recognition they are due without confusing patients, colleagues or government.
There is a lot going on, and the SBC is here to support all of our Specialists. I will be retiring from the SBC
president role as of May 1, and we welcome the SBC’s incoming new president, Dr Chris Hoag – Urology.
Thanks to our Executive Director, Ms Andrea Elvidge, our Council, and the Specialists who support our
work through their dues.