Dear members and prospective members:
The world is watching the Middle East with trepidation and sorrow. Going on about daily business may seem pointless in the face of suffering on such a scale. We can bear witness while we try to keep our own houses in order. Read on for some ideas about how you and we can do that with our representative organizations:
Doctors of BC has been working on a 2024-2029 strategic plan since the beginning of the year. Members can comment until October 24, 2023 on a draft set of priorities through the Have Your Say online member engagement platform
The plan is a guide for the Association’s work on behalf of doctors and the BC health care system.
Learn more in this news article or contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
cSBC has resumed meetings with Doctors of BC (DBC) and the Deputy Minister of Health after some cancellations by the Ministry. We are still working toward gaining improvements for Specialists outside the Physician Master agreement but with preparations for the next one looming, there is added urgency.
On October 28, we will be participating in a Specialist forum hosted by Doctors of BC addressing these Specialist deliberations and initiatives within the Ministry of Health. All Specialty groups have been invited.
We are getting together with the Doctors of BC and the Specialist Services Committee next week to talk about a newer model of care. Do you have ideas or thoughts about how to deliver care to patients in a more effective or efficient way? Reach out and let us know at [email protected]
And the best way to help Specialists help themselves? —
Make the Specialist Voice Heard by Joining Consultant Specialists of BC for 2023
Go to Scroll down to Consultant Specialists of BC, click on the + sign, choose box for regular $450; first-year practice/disabled/parental leave $225; OR student/resident/retired free. Click JOIN SELECTED SECTIONS AND SOCIETIES to pay. Thank you!