Consultant Specialists of BC: the only voice on broad issues affecting Specialty practice

  • provides a unique forum to discuss and debate issues of importance to Specialty care
  • fosters understanding of shared responsibility for the care of all patients in the province
  • promotes inter-Specialty understanding and development of informed advocacy positions
  • advocates for all Specialists regardless of payment modality (fee for service and non-FFS) 
  • promotes the Specialist perspective and issues critical to the provision of Specialty care to colleagues at Doctors of BC, BC Family Doctors, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, and to joint committees with government

These issues are important but fall outside the scope of individual Specialty sections to address effectively.

Notable accomplishments by Consultant Specialists of BC

  • ensured business opportunity cost premium was extended to telehealth codes
  • was first to advocate for the necessary preamble changes to allow telehealth/phone billing for Specialists in response to COVID-19
  • achieved equal representation in Doctors of BC governance
  • removed restrictions on communication codes (10000 series) 
  • secured $1000-per-Specialist fee for COVID-19 planning in community practice
  • advocated for protection of Specialist terminology to avoid confusion for patients and to maintain the integrity of our nomenclature
  • ensure that future referral systems pay/work for the Specialist receiving the referral (on going)

Are you alternately paid? Salary? Sessional? Consultant Specialists of BC has an APP member at large and we contribute to the main physician negotiations which in turn dictate APP remuneration levels and the salary grid.

Join the Consultant Specialists of BC now

Click here to login with your Doctors of BC ID number and password. Scroll down to Consultant Specialists of BC, hit the plus sign and check off the appropriate dues category, then tap Join the Selected Sections and Societies box and go to Checkout to make a secure payment.