Dear Specialist colleagues:
Senior leaders from Consultant Specialists of BC (cSBC) and Doctors of BC met with Deputy Minister of Health Stephen Brown this week. This initial meeting was to outline some of the major challenges being experienced by Specialists, and how to move forward to develop solutions. Specialist representatives included me, Dr David Kendler and Dr Lane Dielwart from cSBC and Doctors of BC reps such as Dr Sam Bugis.
We discussed the following topics:
peri-operative care, diagnostic imaging and lab, cancer care and hospital infrastructure.
The Deputy Minister was very open in his response. He recognizes the challenges we are facing, and pledged to work together with Specialists to learn from each other with the goal of achieving innovative solutions to help improve the system for patients.
Another meeting is scheduled next week to map out a tangible path forward. cSBC and Doctors of BC will keep you informed as these discussions progress.
Dr Chris Hoag
Dr Chris Hoag, President
phone: (604) 739-1334
[email protected]